April 1, 2023

You might find it uncomfortable if you have an impacted third molar or a tooth with significant infections because your dentist will suggest tooth extraction in Mississauga, ON, to eliminate a problematic tooth in your mouth. You may think the planet is dropping on your head when you hear the suggestion and start wondering what after-care instructions you must follow after removing the tooth from your jaw.

Tooth extractions are relatively straightforward and performed on many, including children as young as two. However, if you need the removal of an impacted third molar requiring surgery, your recovery time for tooth extraction extends to one or two weeks. Similar is the process if you must have removed a vertically fractured tooth extending below the gum line. However, following the dentist’s after-care instructions can speed your recovery to return to your regular activities in about 72 hours.

As you are concerned about tooth removal after-care and speeding up your recovery, we provide tips to help you recover quickly without encountering complications. Follow these tips to speed up your healing as soon as possible.

Tips for Speeding Healing after Tooth Extraction

Get Adequate Rest:

After getting a tooth surgically removed, you must ensure you get adequate rest by staying off work or school for a couple of days. While you don’t have to remain bedridden, you must avoid strenuous tasks like lifting heavy objects or exercising because it increases blood pressure in the head, resulting in bleeding at the surgical site.

If you wonder how to reduce swelling after tooth extraction, you can keep your head elevated on a pillow to enable the blood flow away from the surgical site reducing inflammation and helping heal faster. You can also use ice packs on the cheeks intermittently at intervals of 15 minutes each to control the swelling.

Soft Food Diet: 

You cannot consider having chewy and crunchy foods after tooth removal because it can hamper healing after tooth extraction. Instead, you must consider having a nutrient-rich diet full of vitamins and minerals that help promote cell renewal and wound healing.

It helps if you have a soft food diet that allows you to get the nutrition needed without damaging the surgical site. Therefore during the initial days after tooth removal, you must rely on fruit smoothies, lukewarm soups, yogurt, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, et cetera because these are nutritious options.

Avoid Harmful Habits:

If you are accustomed to smoking or having a drink, it helps if you refrain from these habits from 24 hours before tooth extraction and 48 hours later. You defeat the tips for tooth extraction after-care if you indulge in these habits because alcohol interacts with the medication you receive to alleviate pain. In addition, tobacco can cause infections in your mouth to need additional treatments. You must also avoid using straws for drinking because the suction in your mouth can dislodge the blood clot resulting in a dry socket, a painful condition that needs additional treatments from dentists.

Dental Hygiene:

When you ask the Mississauga dentist how to care for tooth extraction, they will likely suggest you can’t brush or floss around the surgical site for 24 to 48 hours. However, it doesn’t mean you must stop cleaning your mouth because the dentist suggests you can continue brushing your teeth by avoiding the tooth removal site immediately following an extraction. However, you can keep your mouth clean by using a saltwater rinse three or four times daily because salt has antiseptic properties that help remove food debris and prevent infections.


You will experience discomfort from the tooth extraction after the anesthesia wears off. However, the Mississauga dentist either prescribes or suggests taking over-the-counter medications to alleviate pain. However, you must accept the prescribed dosage by the dentist without trying to exceed them, hoping that it will make the pain subside faster. In addition, you must refrain from taking the medications after 72 hours because your recovery begins by that time.

If you experience any complications like excessive bleeding, fever, or discomfort 24 hours after tooth removal, you must contact the dentist for advice without ignoring it. Discomfort beyond 24 hours indicates infections that need prompt treatment from the dentist before they aggravate.

If the dentist near you suggested tooth removal for the reasons discussed above, kindly consult our dentist near you at Millway Dental for the procedure using state-of-the-art dental technology and providing adequate after-care instructions for your recovery. Get your tooth or teeth extracted and recover speedily without complications in a few days.

Mississauga Dentist

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